

My name is Krystel, I am a medium and I have over 34 years of experience in the esoteric field. As a tool I use the Marseille tarot, playing cards and sometimes another deck of cards. I receive messages from guides that may be yours or mine, I have flashes and I can sometimes see past lives.

I am in the present moment so the future is not my priority, I am more of a life coach if you like, a spiritual advisor. The future is only probabilities and can change sometimes, especially if we change our present moment! My goal is to help and guide you so that you can make the right choices, make the right decisions, know the intentions and feelings of the people in your life and also warn you of the dangers that may be on your path.
I will also help you get to know yourself better and give you tips and advice that can be very useful to you. Together we will clarify things that are unclear and things that harm your happiness or personal development.

I have been a Reiki master since 1999, which means that I channel divine energy and transmit it with my hands. I can also do Reiki level 1, 2, and 3 initiations as well as Master level on request.

I also rebalance the chakras and cleanse the aura to remove the negative and I put an invisible protective bubble. I have also studied in the field of psychology, esotericism, hypnosis and natural supplements.

NB: These treatments do not replace your doctor. I don’t make any diagnosis.
You must continue to take your medication and follow up with your doctors.

Prepare your questions and start with the most important questions, so that the consultation is as effective as possible, we must work together, it is better for you to be totally open to me and equally focused. IMPORTANT NOTE: Home sessions are limited to Clairvoyance and Reiki. Thank you!

All rates are in Canadian currency.

You can reach me

By email: krystellevoyance@gmail.com


The payment method is via Interac or bank transfer at krystellevoyance@gmail.com

Thank you and have a great day!

Kystel Voyance - Medium - Tarot of Marseille - Clairvoyance

Home – Krystel – Krystel Voyance – Krystel medium – Reiki Master – Clairvoyance – Medium – Mediumship – Occultism – Divination – Cartomancy – Tarot – Tarot of Marseille – Cards – Card Reading – Tarot Cards – Tarot Game – Card Game – Arcana – Major Arcana – Minor Arcana

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